The scene is about 75-80% of the way through the movie. Here's an excerpt from the script:
78. INT. HOTEL SUITE - MORNING 78. The CAMERA looks through the bedroom doorway of a hotel suite into the main area. We SEE a crap game being played on a fancy crap table by GAMBLERS in tuxedos and LUCKY LADIES in fancy evening gowns. The CAMERA PANS to the right revealing: sitting on a bed, phone in hand with his back to us, the tuxedo-clad WINSTON WOLF aka "THE WOLF." We also see The Wolf has a small notepad that he jots details in. THE WOLF (into phone) Is she the hysterical type? (pause) When she due? (jotting down) Give me the principals' names again? (jots down) Jules.... We SEE his book. The page has written on it: 1265 Riverside Drive Toluca Lake 1 body (no head) Bloody shot-up car Jules (black) THE WOLF ...Vincent...Jimmie...Bonnie.... He writes: Vincent (Dean Martin) Jimmie (house) Bonnie (9:30) THE WOLF Expect a call around 10:30. It's about thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten. He hangs up. We never see his face. CUT TO: TITLE CARD OVER BLACK: "NINE MINUTES AND THIRTY-SEVEN SECONDS LATER" CUT TO: 79. EXT. JIMMIE'S STREET - MORNING 79. A silver Porsche WHIPS the corner leading to Jimmie's home, in HYPER DRIVE. Easily doing 135 mph, the Porsche stops on a dime in front of Jimmie's house. A ringed finger touches the doorbell: DING DONG.